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1 handful blueberries  frozen or fresh
300g  live natural yoghurt  if vegan, replace with soya yoghurt
D 4 teaspoon vanilla essence
8 ice cubes
Juicy Instructions
Simply put the whole lot in the blender and whiz until
thick and smooth. This really is a meal in a glass.
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The Juice Master Diet: 7lbs in 7 days
Juice Master s  5 Portions
in a Glass Smoothie
We hear all the time that we must have 5 portions of fruits and veg a
day, but how many of us actually get around to having them? I call
this delicious smoothie  5 portions in a glass , but as the official
guidelines stand, no matter how many different combinations of
fruit and veg you have, if it s in the form of a juice it only ever counts
as one portion. This clearly is nonsense but, hey, the law is the law.
Anyway, if you have just one glass each day you will be getting more
genuine nutrition than most people get in a month.
Juicy Ingredients
2 apples
D 4 pineapple
1 inch slice courgette
D 2 avocado
1 stick celery
1 inch slice cucumber  diced
1 lime
Juicy Instructions
Juice 11D 2 of the apples along with the pineapple, celery and
courgette. Dice the rest of the apple and place into blender
along with diced cucumber and ice. Blend until thick and
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Juicy Recipes for Life
Juicy Tip:
If this is too thick for you, add a little
mineral water and blend again.
Juice Master s Kids Veggie Special
Can t get your kids to eat their veg? Well, ever thought about
getting them to drink them? This is a way of mixing some highly
nutritious vegetable juices with fruit so that the kids never know
they are drinking live vegetable juice. Just don t tell them what s
really in it!
Juicy Ingredients
1 small raw beetroot
2 Apple  Golden Delicious or similar
D 4 small pineapple
1 stick celery
1 small handful spinach
1 inch slice cucumber
Juicy Instructions
Simply juice the lot and pour over ice! The beetroot will
make this juice very red so you can tell the kids it s some
kind of berry juice  sometimes a little white lie can be for
the good.
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The Juice Master Diet: 7lbs in 7 days
Juice Master s Salad Juice
If the thought of eating salads is a bit much, ever thought of
drinking them? Sounds a bit odd but don t knock it till you ve tried!
Juicy Ingredients
1 large handful rocket, watercress and spinach leaves
1 small tomato
1 inch slice cucumber
3 medium carrots
1 inch piece fresh ginger
Juicy Instructions
Juice everything and pour over ice.
Juicy Tip:
Make sure you pack the salad leaves into the chute of the
juicer and then turn it on and push through slowly. If juicing
with a masticating juicer, just juice with the machine on.
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Juicy Recipes for Life
Juice Master s Chunky Funky Monkey
A chocolate feel, with a banana and vanilla taste  gorgeous!
Juicy Ingredients
1 banana
D 4 spoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon carob powder
250g  live yoghurt  if vegan, replace with soya yoghurt
6 almonds
1 teaspoon honey  Manuka or other  active honey
4 ice cubes
Juicy Instructions
Place everything in blender and whiz until smooth.
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The Juice Master Diet: 7lbs in 7 days
Juice Master s Summer Smoothie
Juicy Ingredients
8 fresh strawberries
2 oranges  peeled but keep the pith on
D 4 lemon
4 ice cubes
Juicy Instructions
Juice the oranges and lemon. Place the strawberries and
ice into blender and pour in the juice. Blend until smooth.
Cool as a Cucumber
Cucumber is nature s natural cooler and the juice is perfect for
those hot summer days.
Juicy Ingredients
D 2 small cucumber
1 stick celery
D 4 medium pineapple
2 ice cubes
Juicy Instructions
Juice the lot and pour over ice.
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The Power of a Coach
During the 7 days, there won t be too many people who
are supporting you. In fact, such is the way of the world, if
someone sees somebody else trying to improve their lives,
instead of supporting them, they have a tendency to drag
them down.
This isn t usually done out of malice and isn t even a
conscious reaction but, nonetheless, it does happen and
you need to be aware of it. The reality is that if someone
thinks it s too difficult to improve their own house, they
will want to try and knock yours down, especially if you re
making massive improvements. After all, the better your
house looks the more aware they become of the state theirs
is in.
This is why I ve devised the 7lbs in 7 Days CD, DVD and
app. The app has audio and video coaching, the shopping
list, and all the videos of how to make the juices and
smoothies. It may sound like a piece of cake going on juices
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The Juice Master Diet: 7lbs in 7 days
only for 7 days (or maybe not!), but trust me, there will be
a few  Sod it moments on the programme and this is
where you need to be able to tap into the right psychology
in that particular moment. When running the 7lbs in 7
Days Super Juice Detox Retreats, usually miles away from
anywhere  up a mountain, near the sea  I m aware of
how much easier it is. For one thing, I, or a member of the
team, is on hand to help coach you throughout the week,
and for another, even if you did want to run off and get a
burger and fries it s almost impossible for you to do so
(unless you re into mountain climbing or can swim 30
miles in the sea!). The CD/DVD and/or app aren t
essential, but if you want to make this process even easier,
then it s worth having your own virtual  Juice Coach for a
week. That way you won t feel like you re doing it alone
and, as most people do this once a season, you always
have the CD/DVD or app for future occasions.
 Oh, I ll Come on It with You
Now you may think that if you go on the programme with
someone, then you won t be on your own either, but one
thing is for sure  when it comes to this sort of thing
You Are Always Pretty Much on Your Own
Unless you are with them 24/7, you have no idea if they are
actually doing the programme to the letter (or they you),
and very often the strength in numbers philosophy rarely
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The Power of a Coach
applies with a programme of this nature. The reality is
that if you decide to do the programme with a friend (as
you well might) it can go one of two ways. You both either [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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